Day One Is a Membership Program Where I Teach All The Strategies I Use To Make Money Online And Learn The Skills That Enable Me Work With Foreign and National Brands From Nigeria.
I have discovered that most people want to make money online, but they don’t know how.
Would you like to know how ?
Let me be raw with the truth. There are a few people out there who can really offer you this combination of value that I am about to show you.
There are millions of people scattered among different online platforms, but it is just a few segment of that population that knows what it takes to sell to them.
Everybody wants to learn how to earn from platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp, but it is just a few who are successfully able to do so.
I am someone who have been earning across different platforms over the past three years, even the ones that you don’t know about.
I was able to net an income of 1.2 Million Naira within a space of five months from my blog on Steemit (Now Hive) on 2017 and I did it as a student in second year in UNN.
I was able to build a brand right from my little cubicle in Enugu that attracted dollars in earnings from people all around the world.
I quit blogging in 2019 and moved into Product Design and I was able to pick up skills fast that enable me to currently work with ABiT Network, one of the biggest blockchain Startups in Africa with offices in Nigeria, Rwanda and America.
As of the time of writing this, we have been able to raise over $441,000 from the public that would enable us speed up the work in bringing Blockchain solutions to the common Man.
I have been able to monetise platforms like WhatsApp, I once closed a sale of #325,000 Naira from my Status viewers within a space of 5 days for a Design course.
I still make money from my my WhatsApp on a weekly basis.
Could I just be lucky ?
You may think so, but my success is far more likely to be because I have been able to master the principles that just a few people understand when it comes to monetising platforms.
Stop wasting years of your life jumping from one unsustainable money making venture to another.
Ponzi schemes and MLM’s only favour people who own it. No matter how much you earn, you would still get broke after a few days or weeks.
The goal isn’t to earn once, the goal is to earn consistently.
Many people feel that they can save their way out of poverty.
The only way to get Wealthy is to increase your income, saving to invest without a consistent income doesn’t work.
You will always liquidate your investment prematurely just to survive.
Na person wey dey alive dey invest
Some people start seeking what to invest in whenever they gain access to a certain level of funds. All in a bid not to squander it.
But if you haven’t built a consistent flow of income, it will be impossible to save or invest, you will always cash out prematurely.
Introducing Day One: A Community Driven Blueprint To Achieving Your Goals
You may be seriously trying to work on the things that you actually care about, but still find yourself unable to do so.
2020 was supposed to be our year, but with what’s happening currently, you may be getting more and more doubtful of that everyday.
It can be exhausting, and frustrating and it seems like no matter how hard you try, you can’t get things done.
At the end of the week, month or even year, you find out that you are still at the same spot or worse still falling more backwards.
Let me let you in on one secret.
I have been able to make more money in the first four months of this year than I did in the beginning of 2019.
And this didn’t come by chance. It is because I have spent countless hours learning and applying countless principles that would enable me get paid to think.
Getting paid to think is what would separate you from the competition out there.
I have been an Internet nomad since 2011 and years of trial and error have enabled me to understand what works when it comes to making money online.
Why do certain writers get paid thousands of dollars to write for people and companies while others offering even lesser fees can’t get jobs.
Why does certain graphics designers get paid as much as $1000 to design a logo while there are countless others offering the same service online for $5.
Why do some people effortlessly sell goods worth thousands of Naira on Facebook and WhatsApp while others who post countless broadcast messages and waist bead status find it hard to earn enough to buy data?
When I tell people that I charge $1000 for consulting, they find it hard to believe that I can earn such in Nigeria.
If you want to be as good as me, you have two options
Dedicate the next three to five years on trial and error.
Join the Day One Community and I will teach you what works.
Like I always tell people, there is enough information online to change your life, but at the same time these information are mixed with a whole lot of others that doesn’t work.
There are a lot of strategies out there, but it is only someone who have mastered what works that can tell you what to ignore.
Or you may just spend months and years of your life learning the wrong or outdated things.
Day One was specially designed for people who are serious about learning and monetising high income skills and also those who want to know what it takes to start and scale an online business using social media platforms.
When it comes to hosting classes on social media, course creators create groups where you learn for a particular time frame and after a while learning stops.
And this is because social media itself comes with distractions of it’s own and also social media groups offer no efficient way of driving sustainable conversations.
Everything that has to do with learning and conversations happen at the heat of the moment and people who are not online at the moment lose out as they have no way to filter the signal from the noise.
The Day One Network was designed to be like a social media application of it’s own, you would be accessing the learning area via a different App entirely and there would be no alternative groups or discussions to distract you from learning.

All educational content would be grouped according to their categories so that you would be able to learn at your own pace without unrelated content (like memes and stickers) making it hard to access the right information.
So if you are someone with a busy schedule, you would be able to learn and get value whenever you login and you would still get to interact with the community in the general space.
I put a lot of effort into every single course module on Day One, no content is theoretical or plainly motivational.

The beautiful thing about Day One is the community and the accountability structure that I am building around it.
It has been proven that doing things in groups is highly motivating and drives up productivity.
There are calls to action and even homework, and students who follow through see results immediately.
Below are some of the feedback that I have been getting from my students who have been receiving mentorship from me.

The Day One community is not for everybody, it was designed for people who have the following problems:
1) You procrastinate a lot and can’t stick to a plan.
2) You can’t sustain a particular action for a long period of time.
3) You don’t have access to the right people and need accountability.
4) You want to learn a skill or earn from a skill you have but don’t know how.
It is also designed for those who are trying to build a brand online:
5) You can’t figure out what to say to attract attention.
6) You can’t create consistently.
7) You are trying to drive demand for your skills or product.
What do I get as a Day One member?
1) A proven blueprint that would enable you build at least three income streams from any skill that you have.
2) A skill acquisition blueprint that would enable you learn and pick up any skill fast.
3) An ever growing Library of content that would contain the principles, tools and techniques that I have tested and used to grow my personal brand, make money online and also build an online community.
4) You get to join a community of like minded people who are working on the things that really matter to them.
When it came to deciding the amount people would invest to join this community, I considered the fact that the Income of a lot of people have been impacted by the current situation on ground.
And while I might have delayed this for much later, this is actually the time when people need something like this the most.
I made the bar to entry very low so it would be easy for those who need help in these areas to join and get what they need to forge ahead.
My last class before Day One required an investment of #25000($56) to join and my students have been doing well.
With Day One you are just required to make an investment of #10000 ($22) and you would gain access to the community.
This is a One time payment that would grant you access to all the principle that I used to build my brand and also principles I used to learn the different skills that I used to grow my income.
If you notice I used the word Invest and not Cost because this is an investment not an expense.
All my students who have been applying what I have been teaching are seeing results.
Better still, I launched a Day One Affiliate Program last week and one of my students have made #6000 just from that alone within a week of joining Day One.
This price of #10000 is only valid for a short period, in some days time I would be increasing it to at least #25000.
In the future we would be migrating to a Monthly Subscription, so the best time to join is now and get locked in.
To make more enquires or make payment, message me by clicking on the button below.
I'm definitely signing up, I can already imagine what the community will be like if we've been getting the previous contents for free.