Skillup and Learn is a program where you would be taught how to learn any skill fast and make a lot of money from it.

Welcome to the new month.
Today is Day 214 of 2020. A lot has happened in this year, and believe me a lot can still happen.
However, you have the power to decide the kind of things that would happen to You.
Some people believe that the year is already over.
But believe me there is still a lot that can happen in the remaining 151 days of this year.
What you give to the remaining days of a year would determine what you get out of it, the amount of days gone or left in a year doesn’t really matter.
Fortune favours those who take action.
I know this first hand.
As a student in January 2017. I launched my first blog, at a time where some of my mates were still relaxed celebrating the New Year.
Most of them haven’t even resumed school by that time.
By the time I was opening that blog, I had zero Naira in my account.
I made use of the school wifi to setup my blog and write everyday.
By April 2017. I was able to hit an income of $4000 from that blog.
If I could do that in four months, then I believe that you can achieve a lot in the remaining five months of this year.
In a country where a lot of things has been programmed to frustrate you, getting a skill is one of the things that can save you.
This week saw the Naira lose further value against the dollar.
Things are getting harder by the day in the country, and even though people say there is no money, I don’t believe that.
Why ?
Money doesn’t just vanish. It goes somewhere, right now it is going to people who have skills and businesses that the world needs.
As long as you are skilled, you would always attract income.
People will always pay you to solve problems, the same way someone with a headache would always buy Paracetamol.
For Two years now, I have ran countless classes that has helped a lot of young people build a brand for themselves and also build a consistent flow of income.
The last skill related course that I ran was last year, and after much demand from my students, I have decided to run another one this year.
Based on my discussions with young people over the years, I have discovered that one of their greatest challenges to learning a skill is finding someone who will guide them.
There is a lot of information online and most don’t know where to start from.
As someone who has mastered the skill of extracting the right information online over the past seven years, I can say that I know what is required to pick up any skill that you want.
After writing online from two years, I decided to also learn design. I started learning product design in April 2019. I took a 100 day design challenge and completed it.
A lot of people lack discipline when it comes to consistent action so they were eager to know how I was able to design consistently for 100 Days.
By the end of the challenge, I got my first design gig for #80,000, two weeks later I got another gig for #100,000.
I was retained by ABiTNetwork as a Product Designer and today I am currently the COO.
It was a combination of my skills that got me the Job.
During that period I took 13 people on a 4 weeks design course and below are testimonials from some of the people that took that course :

You may even have a skill right now, but you are currently struggling when it comes to making money from it.
I have mastered how to drive sales for skills and it has been helping both I and my students for over a year now.
The upcoming Skillup and Earn course is different from every other skill related course out there.
I and the tutors won’t only be guiding you in learning the skill, we would teach you everything that has to do with making money from the skill.
Below is a quick breakdown of what the course entails.
In this section you would learn everything that has to do with learning a skill.
The program would be happening on a server specially built for chat and voice conversations.
I have been using the server for three years now and it is highly efficient.
The program wouldn’t be limited to just design. There would be classes on learning software development (coding) and also content development(Copywriting).
We would be sourcing highly practical courses and building a system of accountability that would ensure that you finish those courses and put it into action.
I have learnt that the reason why people don’t learn a skill isn’t because there is no information out there. The major problems are :
Knowing which information has quality.
Knowing the right path to take/ getting a mentor
Discipline to follow through and learn.
Even if you are already learning a skill, the program would help you level up quite significantly.
In this section you would learn everything that has to do with Monetising a skill.
There are a lot of skilled people who lack confidence when it comes to charging clients, they end up being paid peanuts most times.
I have a proven system for closing sales and it so effective that even if your client doesn’t have money to pay at the moment, they would always get back to you when they get the money.
I used this system to close a deal of $1500 after the client said that he could not afford my fee.
You would also be learning how to combine more than one skill to charge more.
The reason why I am able to command high fees is because I have successfully combine my writing and design skills.
So whether you have a skill or you are just starting out this program is for You.
The community effort that comes from being a part of the program would enable you achieve so much in a short period of time.
I have been running an income challenge for my students and last month we were able to net a total income of over 1.4 million Naira from the challenge in the month of July alone.
Below are some of the brands that participated.

Earning from a skill or business online works if you know the right way to go about it.
The SkillUp and Earn program would be a four week program with four tutors that would take you through all that you need to learn and earn from any skill that you desire to learn.
The investment to join the Design Cohort for last year was 25,000 Naira.
I call my course fees investments because those who follow through always make more than that back.
However due to the state of things currently I am willing to give a discount of over 55% for this set.
So instead of 25,000 you can join the SkillUp and Earn program for only #10000.
#10000 is a steal when compared against the immense value that you would be getting from this course.
And like my student know, I always reward people who take action quickly.
There are just 50 slots available for this course and the first 10 slots would be going for #7000.
The first ten lucky people to pay would only #7000 for this program.
There are also powerful bonuses available for those who take the program.
Bonus 1

When you join the Skillup and Earn class you would gain access to the Rule Of Five Worksheet.
It currently sells for #3000.But you would get it for free once you pay for the SkillUp and Earn Program.
It is a worksheet being used by over 100 of my students to ensure productivity daily, below is a review from one of my student.

Bonus 2

WhatsApp Domination
You would also be gaining access to the content of my WhatsApp Domination.
It is a course where I teach how you can brand yourself on WhatsApp and make a lot of money from it.
I have made over 1 Million Naira from WhatsApp alone over the past three months, and I am not the only one.
The WhatsApp Domination course currently sells for #5000. But you would be getting it for free once you pay for the SkillUp and Earn Program.
Many of my students have also been able to successfully monetize their WhatsApp.
I track my daily income so below is a screenshot of my July Earnings alongside some testimonials from my WhatsApp Domination students that took the 750K Income Challenge.

So let me give a recap of what you will be getting for the SkillUp and Earn program.
A Four Week program that would guide you through Learning Product Design, Software Development or Copywriting.
A community of people to keep you accountable while you learn.
A proven productivity and profitability system that would help you earn from any skill that you choose to learn.
The Rule Of Five System.
WhatsApp Domination Course.
It is important to note that this is a one time offer, after this month, this program won’t be happening anytime soon again.
Registration ends when all slots are taken and you won’t be able to access the course again.
Message Ajulu Now On WhatsApp by hitting the button below to secure your slot.
First Ten people pays #7000.