Your attention will be monetised
Happy New Week
There have been a lot going on in the world over the past months, and it is taking. a toll on a lot of people.
For most people, life is at a standstill as we all battle the effects of the corona virus.
The Internet bubbles daily with news and reports of different things that are happening as a result of the current state of things.
Some good, some bad.
When it comes to the Internet, there are three types of content that you can consume.
Educational content
Informational content
Entertaining content
The third have seen a massive increase in demand as evident from the record profits been posted by online entertaining platforms like Netflix.
But is this where it all ends?
Does being indoors mean that the only thing that can be done is having fun and entertaining oneself while we await life to go back to normal.
What if the normal that comes after this isn’t the one that we had before ?

United Nations Covid-19 Response
The Lockdown to prevent the spread of Corona Virus In Nigeria was announced in Late March and since then, the daily activities of citizens haven’t been the same.
Especially for those with long commute hours who still had to make it home in time before the curfew hours.
However, what I want to talk about are those who had no choice but to remain indoors.
I am avid user of Twitter and I saw tweets telling people to maximise the lockdown time when it comes to their personal growth.
There were a lot of tweets against this ideology and some people said that we are not in a productivity Olympics.
And despite which side that you are on, the truth about all this is that it is only those who out the right systems in place that would come out of this stronger.
It’s been Five Months now and some people are still recovering from the shock of the Corona virus, while also complaining of what’s lacking in their lives.
For those interested in growth, the Internet offers way more than entertainment, it contains information that would help you come out of this pandemic, better, stronger and richer.
You don’t have to be a part of those, who would come out of this lockdown without a job or have to go back to a job that they hate.
One of the greatest gifts that we have as Humans is the ability to pay attention to something.
And the economics of attention is very huge. At every time attention is being paid to something, someone is making money or building up a money making system.
There are a lot of things that fight for your attention everyday, from social media to other forms of media.
And if you aren’t ready or working on doing things that would help you monetise your attention, someone is always there to make money off it.
I talked about the three kinds of content that can be found on the Internet above and the one that you really need to be paying attention to is Educational Content.
You have to seek content that would increase your knowledge base, because that is what is going to determine what you are able to achieve in this current time.
It is easy to sit back and ride this wave out without doing anything, but at the end of it all, you would look back and see the different ways in which you would have spent your time better.
The people who are getting richer now are those who set up the right wealth systems, the lockdown has had zero negative impact on their income.
Learn a skill.
Learn what it takes to build a business.
And if you already have a skill or a business, study things that would help get much better at it.
And most Importantly
Take Action.
If you are someone that have issues with accountability or taking action, then I have the perfect guide for you. Read about it here