A System is a combination of Multiple parts running together - Dayo Samuel
When it comes to the topic of creation, there are questions that people keep asking on what it really took God to create the earth.
In Genesis One, we read as Moses( wrote the first five books of the Bible and the Book of Job) narrates the different systems that God put in place during creation.
Light, Sea, Land, Plants, Animals and Man.
These were all created differently, but their interaction is what shape the world as we have come to know it today.
There are a lot of lessons for us in this creation story and the most important is importance of running with systems.
I was privileged to be a part of the Live Conversation On Dominion and System systems which was hosted last night by Chris Ani and Dayo Samuel.
I gained a lot of insights when it came to systems, leadership and generational wealth from that webinar and I am grateful to the organisers for blessing us with that conversation
Now, let me breakdown the lessons that God gave us when creating the world and leading Man through the process of establishing Dominion.
Every system has three parts - Input + process = Output. - Dayo Samuel
The first lesson was that of Input. Input always comes before process.
The reason why you may be struggling with your different processes is due to the wrong input or maybe a lack of it.
As a Christian, if you study your Bible well, you would understand that what God did in Genesis One was design (blueprint stage) of the universe, development(or physical creation) happened in Chapter two.
The most visible pointer to this was Genesis 2: 5 which says:
And every plant of the field before it was in the Earth, and every herb of the field before it grew, for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a Man to till the ground.
This would confuse you if you didn’t know Chapter One was a design process, because Genesis 1:11 says:
And God said, Let the Earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth and it was so.
In Chapter One God designed the Earth, In Chapter Two he developed it.
The same way the light in Genesis 1:3 was revelation knowledge, because the Sun and Moon came into play in Genesis 1: 16.
Waiting for the creation of Man before planting also cemented the fact that God does’t waste resources.
Wherever there is no responsibility,God retards growth - Myles Monroe
You may find this concept of design before development hard to grasp, but the right input requires both.
A Bad system will beat a good person anytime - Dayo Samuel
To further Illustrate this, I would use a more relatable example so that you can have more understanding.
Before Toyota Motor Company builds a car, they first design it.
They draw all the parts on paper with measurements and determine what goes where, after they do all the planning and gotten the right input they now start the process of building the car.
Same thing happens when a house is about to be built, an architect draws it first.
Before your tailor sews your clothes he/she measures you first and even sketch out the dress on Paper.
If this system is not put in place, building anything would be a frustrating or an uphill task.
God is the first and greatest designer.
Most time people focus on outputs, the things that they are seeing without realising that the systems in place play a major role in determining what happens.
Fix the Input and establish the right process and the Output would be great - Ajulu
Dominion does not come by chance, it requires a design and development system, a system of leadership that would manage all inputs and process and also the factor of synergy that many people ignore.
Come let Us create Man in our own Image.
God the father didn’t handle creation alone.

Lead yourself first, then lead others - Dayo Samuel
You first call when it comes to leadership should be leading yourself.
It is how you lead yourself that would determine who you attract and why people would allow you to lead them.
Leadership is all about Influence. It is not a position.
He who claims to be a leader but has no one following him is just wandering.
Admiration plays a huge role in leadership, if people don’t admire you, then it would be hard for you to lead them.
So you have to give them something to admire, someone better than you in terms of growth and discipline will rarely admire you.
This is also quite different from leading people in an organisation, if you are heading a department at work, people have no choice but to follow you because their livelihood depends on it.
The best way to know if you are leader is leading a volunteer based movement.
Start something that doesn’t come with monetary reward and ask people to volunteer, that’s when you would know whether you are a leader or not.
When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world.
I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation.
When I found I couldn't change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn't change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family.
Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family.My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world - Anonymous.
There are a lot of people out there who are obsessed with changing the world, and you might be one of them.
I am here to tell you that it is an inside out experience.
Publius Syrus said and I quote - If you desire to rule a great empire, rule yourself.’
That change have to start from within. Dominion happens internally first.
One shall chase a Thousand, Two shall chase Ten Thousand - Moses
Dominion requires unity to happen. Even God functions with a system of trinity.
The fact that the Holy Spirit has power or Jesus was also a God, didn’t lead them to branch off and create their own universe.
You may be wise and smart, but there are some heights that you would never reach alone.
Every great person that you know today had a system of synergy that got them to where they are.
The world has fooled many people with the concept of Self Made Men.
Any Self Made Man you see today had a support system whether it is visible to you or not.
Playing down the role of synergy would make you a small player forever.
For some, it stems from the fact that they don’t want to serve, I would have gone into that but that is a whole newsletter on its own.
The summary of all this is that Dominion comes from systems, responsibility and relationships.
It is like a three legged stool, any missing leg would keep you wobbling or dangling out of place.
I hope you see the need to pay attention to these variables.
With respect to Systems,
I can relate totally...
I have two courses this school year that really talk about systems and it's development.
In fact it's called System Development Life Cycle.
You can just develop a system like that.
There's a cycle that one needs to go through.
In that course, there's requirement stage first where you check all you'd need and all it might cost you and economic feasibility, etc.
After a system Analysis, here, you try to understand the objective or aim of the system, what it would do and all. Sometimes, people fix requirement stage under Analysis but it shouldn't be.
After a thorough analysis, there's Design, where so many methods are employed to design the system first of all then you pick the most feasible method for the system.
Then you implement or rather create what you designed, then go to testing stage before deployment and probably management.
Systems aren't just built out of nothing, so much calculation and effort are put into building systems and so many don't get that.
In these courses, we're even made to understand that the development life cycle was stages even change sometimes depending on the method you choose to create your own system with.
Eg; if it's a system that going to be large or used for large tasks, it can't be created with the same methods as systems for small tasks.
Or if your clients wants the system asap, you can't use the same method you'd use a system for someone that gave you about a year or more to create the system for him or her.
At a point, I'm beginning feel that relationships and leaderships which are under the system development process cos they come together to form the perfect system.
Thank you for reading to this level.😂
It’s really a wonderful piece. Any sane human that starts reading this won’t stop till he reaches the last full stop.