You are going to die.
These were the words that Gary Vaynerchuk uttered in a conference when he was asked to drop three words that could motivate anyone.
It ended up being five words, but there are the most motivating five words I have ever heard since “come and carry your food”.
What Gary was trying to say was that we waste time pondering on the things that we are meant to do, trying to get it all perfect in our heads before we launch out.
You would never know how viable an idea is until you start.
I have discovered that most times we are experts at coming up with excuses on why we can’t do the things that really matter to us and our future.

Asides from the fact that we live in the age of distraction, it seems that we have evolved to become better at procrastination.
However, that dread that comes from working on things on your to-do list can never be compared with the joy that comes with taking action.
Entrepreneurship is not an easy game, it is one which has its ups and downs.
But, as you start to work on that project and get initial traction, you will be filled with joy and keep asking yourself one question.
Why didn’t I start earlier?
I know this because I have been there. A lot.
You will suddenly fell like a fool and no matter how hard you think, You would never be able to come up with a tangible reason why you delayed so long.
When it comes to productivity, a lot of people feel that there is something wrong with them; a special kind of gene that holds them back from working on their goals.
However, you are not alone in this. No matter how productive someone seems, we all face different levels of resistance when it comes to working on the things that really matter.
I get praise from people who admire how hard I work, at the same time they are people that I look up to when it comes to the subject of productivity.
In his book, The War of Art, Steven Pressfield talks about Resistance.
He defined it as the force that makes you swallow your urge to pursue your dream.
Resistance manifests itself in the form of fear of failure, procrastination, self-doubt and, worst of all, is universal.
It doesn’t exclusively speak to you, it targets everybody.
Resistance also manifests in different kind of ways.
When you buy books and don’t commit to reading it.
When you start an online course and don’t commit to finishing it.
When you successfully finish a book or course but fail to take action.
When you take action, but let early setbacks discourage you.

So how does one conquer resistance?
One powerful quote about this was from Sahil, the founder of GumRoad.
Time passes no matter what you spend it on.
So why not spend time working on the things that you know really matters instead of complaining and making excuses.
One thing that you need to learn is to treat your dream as a business and not a hobby, and this means that you have to be devoted to it.
You have to devote huge blocks of time to it and work on removing as much distraction as possible.
I found out that I am more focused and productive when my phone is as far away as possible from me while working.
The importance of scheduling can never be over emphasised.
I write only when inspiration strikes. Fortunately, it strikes every morning at nine o’clock sharp. — W. Somerset Maugham
Once you work on devoting time to what you do, you will see your level of discipline grow. Discipline in one area of your life helps you build discipline in other areas too.
I am someone that takes my morning devotion very seriously and that consistency has been reflecting in other areas of my life.
I did a daily design challenge for four months and completed it without missing a day.
Becoming a giant in your field won’t happen at once, but it comes with taking those little atomic steps that would enable you to amass much power as times goes on.
Once you decide on what you want to work on, schedule time for it every day and work on it.
In a world of intense competition, the only way to make yourself stand out is to carve out a territory for yourself.
Your territory is a place where you grow, where you’re challenged and satisfied at the same time.
What are the things holding you back?
Understand that you have a powerful mind and that you can achieve whatever you set your mind to.
Stop seeking motivation. This Newsletter can motivate you, but only to a certain extent.
The best form of motivation comes from the energy that you get when you take action and start seeing results, no matter how little.
Start taking those steps today
Day One is a newsletter that goes out Tuesdays and Thursdays, the purpose of this newsletter is to spur people to work on the things that really matter to them, and to also ensure that they work on it with the right process and systems.
You can also join the Private Mentorship Server, if you need help in the following areas:
1) You procrastinate a lot and can’t stick to a plan.
2) You can’t sustain a particular action for a long period of time.
3) You don’t have access to the right people and need accountability.
4) You want to learn a skill or earn from a skill you have but don’t know how.
It is also designed for those who are trying to build a brand online:
5) You can’t figure out what to say to attract attention.
6) You can’t create consistently.
7) You are trying to drive demand for your skills or product.
👉🏾 Join Now and gain access to a community of over 100 people working on the things that really matter to them.
In the end, after all is said and done, it will always begin with you! Me, to be precise.
Truly your pen bleeds. Keep the good work up