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I have never met a poor man who valued their time, that’s why they sell it for so cheap - Dr Mike Murdock
The year was 2018.
An idea that I had nursed in my mind started burning in my heart.
WhatsApp was growing more and more popular and I knew that there was an opportunity there.
After two years of building a personal brand via a blog.
I knew that building one on a social media platform was important.
And at that time, WhatsApp was a great fit for me.
I designed a strategy but was paralyzed when the time came to act on it.
It took some encouragement from an acquaintance to kickstart the process.
So in October 2018, I started building my WhatsApp brand.
As of then, I had only around 150 contacts,
Mostly classmates and church friends.
But fast forward to today,
I have over 8000 WhatsApp contacts, made up of people from all over the world.
I have gotten so many Jobs and Opportunities as a result of this.
And have done sales for digital products worth Millions of Naira.
I don’t know how 2024 has been for you so far.
Whether you have done well with your goals,
Or have barely scratched the surface.
But no matter where you fall under,
I want to help you understand the same way someone once helped me,
There is so much that you can still achieve this year.
Before I dive into my article.
Let me share some amazing things that was achieve in less than 60 days.
We have 67 days to the end of this year, so I believe that you can run with this and achieve even more.
In 1921, Dr. Frederick Banting and his assistant Charles Best isolated insulin. This paved the way for treating diabetes and saving countless lives.
It took them 60 days to achieve this.
Steve Jobs assembled an elite team in secrecy to create the first iPhone prototype. They were quickly able to create a working version that would eventually revolutionize smartphones and mobile technology globally.
It took them 45 days to achieve this
In 1996 Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed Google’s early search algorithm, then called "Backrub,".This led to the initial launch of Google, which soon transformed into the search engine powerhouse we know today.
It took them around 60 days to achieve this.
In 1937 J.R.R. Tolkien wrote the first drafts of The Fellowship of the Ring (aka Lord Of The Rings) after being approached by his publisher for a sequel to "The Hobbit."
It took him around 60 days to achieve this.
After three failed attempts, SpaceX made significant adjustments and launched Falcon 1 successfully on September 28, 2008, proving private companies could achieve spaceflight.
This success came within 30 days after their previous attempt, marking a milestone in the space industry.
I could end this article here and would have done so much to help you understand what’s possible.
But this would only inspire you and it would end there if you are not sure of what you need to be doing at this point.
So let’s address that.
But first, let’s talk about something that you have been trying to manage properly all your life.
Time is Not Going.
“Time is going” is a popular slang that we use to complain when someone is wasting our time.
Or taking so long to do something important.
But the truth is that time is not going.
You are the one going.
Time was here before you were born.
And it would be here after you are gone.
No matter how many people are born, live, and die.
A day will always have 24 hours.
So it is not about the time itself, but what you choose to do with it.
The sad thing about the times that we live in is that the average person is not time-conscious.
We are in the age of distraction, where there are so many things that are capable of sucking your time.
One of my biggest wins this month was deleting Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter from my phone.
I configured my feed on these apps to give me helpful content.
But another downside to this is that you are stuck in a constant loop of consumption (learning) without actually seeing yourself build anything.
So at this point, I believe that I have learned enough and it is time to build some of the things I have been learning about.
Deleting these Apps has helped me grow more.
In my spare time, I read more and do other things that give my brain room to create.
The solution to your lack of output might not be found in that productivity course, but in deleting social media and Netflix.
When I talked about deleting those Apps on my phone.
A lady followed my lead and deleted Instagram and by the next day,
She had finished a course that she had abandoned for weeks.
You might believe that being on social media is important to you.
But take stock of your year so far,
What consumes your time the most daily ?
The thing that consumes most of your time daily needs to be your goals.
Every day you need to walk away from something important for something more important.
The insights that I get from the people I follow on Twitter matter a lot to me.
But like the Bible says, there is a time for everything.
I knew It was time to move from learning more to building more.
And also, no matter how much you optimize your social media for the right kind of content.
You will still see entertaining content that would zap most of your time.
Also, you might think that you will miss things, but I assure you when you come back, you will see that you didn’t miss anything.
But if a social media platform is important to your work and helps you build a brand, you can spare it the same way I spared WhatsApp.
But don’t deceive yourself, if you are consuming more than you are creating.
Delete it and figure out a vision for your life first.
Time is not that hard to understand, it gives your results based on what you spend it on.
Everything that you don’t have is something that you have refused to exchange your time for. - Dr Mike Murdock.
With that said, let’s talk about some of the things that affect your ability to use your time well.
Lack Of A Vision
Normally, I would have talked about planning your day here.
But lack of planning is just a symptom of something, not the main disease.
The main disease is a lack of vision.
When there is no vision, the people perish - Proverbs 29:18 KJV
The New King James version broke it down further,
Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; - Proverbs 29:18 NKJV
Let me break it down further
When there is no vision, people cast off self-discipline
When you see perish there, you think of death, but there are a lot of people without vision that live for decades.
That place was not talking about natural death, but death in the area of purpose.
Your life has a purpose, and the greatest way to live that life is to spend your days in pursuit of what God created you for.
If God’s purpose for you is to become a politician that will drive the change that we need in society and you become a pilot and rise to the highest level of aviation.
In God’s eyes, you have failed in your area of purpose.
A lot of people waste their youth, and as they get older they start scrambling for anything that would just sustain them.
Vision is important because it keeps you focused on the things that matter the most.
The things you desire to do are unlimited, your time is limited - Ajulu
There would never be more than 24 hours in a day.
All the technological advancements that we have had over the years have not changed that.
Catch a vision for your life and run with it.
A good way to identify it is that one idea that will never leave you.
Your vision will keep you awake at night even when you lie down to sleep.
And don’t feel down right now if you haven’t discovered anything that looks big.
Start now by doing the things that you are doing well.
Faithfulness in little is how you discover more.
If you are a student, are you building a culture of excellence in your studies?
If you are building a business, what have you invested in yourself to help you offer the best product/service possible?
If you are learning a skill, what level of dedication do you have to the learning process ?
Excellence and discipline are like a muscle, the more you develop them on one thing, the easier it is to transfer them to your other endeavors.
People ask me why I am so disciplined and I always tell them that it started with me being disciplined with doing my morning devotion.
Everyone wants to be wealthy and successful, but few do what it takes to work towards that.
There are three major laws of wealth creation;
The first law is research/study, what are the habits and strategies of the giants in your industry, find them and start doing them.
The second law is to study what unsuccessful/poor people do and stay away from it so that you will avoid poverty.
The third law is to learn to think like successful people. It involves avoiding a scarcity mindset, investing your time, energy, and money in the right things, and also having the right associations.
We are always told that the person we will be in five years depends on the people that we meet and the books that we read.
So there are books out there that are as powerful as being close friends with the author.
And when you get physically close to a great man/woman, seek to serve and not what you will get from them.
If you build a culture of service, you will get access to things that those seeking monetary rewards can never get access to.
It’s Either You The Day Or the Day Runs You
If you can’t plan your day, how do you want to plan your life?
I won’t talk much about planning.
I have written a full guide on it.
You can read and ask any questions that you have in the comments section.
I reply to all comments.
Focus is a Superpower
Whenever I talk to young people,
I find out that the person knows the most important thing that they need to do.
But always fail to do it.
We always go for things that excite us while avoiding the work that we need to do at each stage.
It is something that affects me also,
That’s why every few months,
I take inventory and correct any mistakes that I made in this area.
We have lots of information at our fingertips thanks to the internet.
So we get exposed to so many good things that we can be building.
And we end up trying to build it all at the same time.
You should create a three-year roadmap of important things that you need to do and work on them one at a time.
Don’t try to do everything at the same time.
Three years will pass and you won’t have made much progress in all of them because your attention, energy, and resources are divided.
Currently, there are only two projects that take my time.
One that helps me build strength in the area of my purpose.
The second is the business that I am building.
I have managed to compress all my amazing ideas into a roadmap that spans years.
If I don’t hit the milestones for the first idea, I will never touch the next one.
I also wrote something that can help you with this.
You can read it below
And you need to understand that your first plan won’t be your final.
You will keep refining it as you get more knowledge and wisdom.
There are some strategies that I was applying earlier this year that I have changed.
But you need to start with something first.
So don’t chase perfection, chase action
2024 is far from over.
There are a lot of amazing things that you can achieve this year.
Even if what you achieve is establishing a daily routine and relationships that push you strongly toward the right goals and vision.
That itself is a great accomplishment.
It means you will enter 2025 blazing with a full understanding of what you need to do.
Have a great rest of 2024.
if there is one person that you know this article will help.
Please send it to them.
You can also share this article on your WhatsApp status.
You will be helping a lot of people.
Thank You.
This is beautiful sir
Thanks a lot
Please what books will you recommend to help one discover his vision for life, health daily routine and maintain focus